Sunday, May 15, 2016

Hippo Birdie To You

Well Hello to you all,

Wow, it's been a long time since I've done any stamping! Between a vacation in NYC, attending my niece's college graduation in Colorado and work commitments, I have not had the time.

LeAnne has a fun CAS challenge for us today at the Paper Players and that was just what I needed to get my mojo going again.

I have many stamps that would work for this challenge and it took a while to decide on what I wanted to use. I don't know how "wild" these guys are, but they sure are cute! All stamps, dies, and the patterned papers are from Lawn Fawn and the layout is the current Freshly Made Sketch.

For the inside, I used another Lawn Fawn set called Party Animals.

You can visit the rest of the DT blogs using the links below. They have some awesome projects!

The Paper Players Design Team
Colleen Begley-Me

I'm looking forward to seeing your "wild things" cards. Thanks for playing along and thanks for looking in today,


Stamps: Hippo Birdie To You set by Lawn Fawn
Paper: SU heavy card stock, X-Press It Blending card stock, Lawn Fawn Let's Polka In the Meadow patterned papers
Ink: Memento tuxedo black and Copics
Other: Lawn Fawn co-ordinating set dies, Lawn Fawn banner die, enamel dots, the Big Shot, dimensional

Finally, I thought I'd play proud Auntie and show you a picture of my niece, the new graduate, and her brothers taken last weekend after the ceremony. Rachel in the middle is 23, Ian on the right is 19 and Nathan in the glasses is 17. They are the best!


  1. Love all the polka dots..cute card! Congrats to your niece too!

  2. Colleen, what a fabulous card. I love your little hippo and those enamel dots are the perfect finishing touch. Love it!

  3. So bright and colorful - perfect for a birthday celebration! Adorable card!

  4. Oh my gosh, I love this! So fun, cute, and definitely festive, both inside and out. Great design! Thanks for sharing with us at Freshly Made Sketches.

  5. Well, I think your hippo is wild AND are your nieces and nephews! And the inside is just as cute as the outside!

  6. Colleen your card is the cutest, inside and out! Love the lawn fawn hippo and the birdie!

  7. I love those colourful patterned papers Colleen - they are the perfect backdrop to your sweet 'wild' duo! What a lovely card!

  8. Bright, happy and fun! The papers and colors are the perfect complement to this sweet hippo and friends. Adorable card, Colleen!

  9. Totally cute. Fabulous images and I love them on the fresh colors and simple patterns that you have used!! Thank you for playing along with us at Freshly Made Sketches.

  10. Colleen, this is adorable! You know I love hippos and bright colors! This card makes me smile!
    Congratulations to your niece! What a beautiful picture of your family! XX


Comments on my projects are appreciated. I love hearing from you!